22 June 2022
09:30 to 17:00 |
WORKSHOP- Planning and evaluation: Social Marketing projects and programmes (English Language Workshop) Speakers: Prof Jeff French |
Workshop leader: Prof Jeff French | |
09:30 to 17:00 |
WORKSHOP- Social Marketing as a tool for social change (Greek Language Workshop) | Κοινωνικό Μάρκετινγκ Speakers: Dr Ariadne Kapetanaki, Leonidas Skerletopoulos, Angela Makris |
Workshop leaders: Dr Ariadne Kapetanaki, Angela Makris & Leonidas Skerletopoulos In this interactive workshop you will learn about a modern approach that focuses on delving deep to understand the fears, needs, motivations and obstacles that people face in their effort to adopt a healthy lifestyle or free themselves from harmful habits. You will also learn about social marketing practices and tools which can be used to help solve social and environmental problems. Κοινωνικό Μάρκετινγκ Είσαι επαγγελματίας στο χώρο της δημόσιας υγείας και της προαγωγής υγείας; Aσχολείσαι ενεργά με την κοινωνική αλλαγή και την βελτίωση της ποιότητας ζωής; Eργάζεσαι σε κάποιον κρατικό ή μη-κερδοσκοπικό οργανισμό που βοηθάει ανθρώπους, κοινότητες ή το περιβάλλον; Τότε αυτό το σεμινάριο είναι για εσένα! Μάθε τις πρακτικές του κοινωνικού μάρκετινγκ , κατανόησε την ανθρώπινη συμπεριφορά και σχεδίασε το δικό σου πρόγραμμα κοινωνικής αλλαγής σε μια μέρα. Σύγχρονα κοινωνικά προβλήματα, όπως το κάπνισμα, η παιδική παχυσαρκία, η ασφαλής οδήγηση, η προστασία του περιβάλλοντος απαιτούν νέες καινοτόμες προσεγγίσεις για την επίλυσή τους. Οι παραδοσιακές πρακτικές προσφέρουν προγράμματα με υψηλό κόστος εφαρμογής και αβέβαια αποτελέσματα. Παράλληλα νέα δεδομένα έχουν διαμορφώσει τη σχέση των πολιτών με τις υπηρεσίες και τα κοινωνικά προγράμματα. Από παθητικοί λήπτες πλέον οι πολίτες είναι ενεργοί διαμορφωτές και επιθυμούν να αποτελούν μέρος της λύσης. Τα νέα αυτά δεδομένα έχουν δημιουργήσει την ανάγκη για μετάβαση από το παραδοσιακό μοντέλο (expert driven) στο συμμετοχικό σχεδιασμό (citizen orientation & co-creation). Σε αυτό το διαδραστικό σεμινάριο (workshop) θα γνωρίσεις μια σύγχρονη προσέγγιση που εστιάζει στην βαθιά κατανόηση των φόβων, αναγκών, κινήτρων και εμποδίων που αντιμετωπίζουν οι σύγχρονοι άνθρωποι, στην προσπάθειά τους να υιοθετήσουν έναν υγιεινό τρόπο ζωής ή να απαγκιστρωθούν από επιβλαβείς συνήθειες. Επίσης θα γνωρίσεις πως οι πρακτικές και τα εργαλεία του μάρκετινγκ μπορούν να χρησιμοποιηθούν για την επίλυση κοινωνικών και περιβαλλοντικών προβλημάτων. Το workshop χωρίζεται σε τρία μέρη. Στο πρώτο μέρος θα κατανοήσεις την φιλοσοφία, τις βασικές αρχές, την προσέγγιση και τις πρακτικές του Κοινωνικού Marketing. Στο δεύτερο μέρος θα έχεις την ευκαιρία να κατανοήσεις την ανθρώπινη και κοινωνική συμπεριφορά μέσα από μια επισκόπηση των δημοφιλέστερων θεωριών και ευρημάτων συμπεριφορικών επιστημών. Στο τρίτο μέρος θα εφαρμόσεις τα εργαλεία που έχεις διδαχθεί σχεδιάζοντας το δικό σου πρόγραμμα αλλαγής συμπεριφοράς. Το σεμινάριο θα διεξαχθεί αποκλειστικά στα Ελληνικά και θα χρησιμοποιηθούν ελληνικά παραδείγματα και μελέτες περιπτώσεων από την Ελλάδα και άλλες χώρες όπου το κοινωνικό μάρκετινγκ είναι πιο διαδεδομένο. | |
09:30 to 12:00 |
WORKSHOP- The Value of Social Marketing: a practical introduction to key principles Speakers: Sarah Cork |
Workshop leader: Sarah Cork, University of Brighton & Brilliant Futures Being a professional facing behavioural challenges for your target audience every day, this session will give you a practical overview and clear translation of the main principles of Social Marketing. | |
13:00 to 17:30 |
WORKSHOP- Researching Your Audience: practice the skills to conduct in-depth research to inform audience-led social marketing programmes Speakers: Rita Brophy |
Workshop leader: Rita Brophy, ESMA Board Member & Head of Qualitative Research, SMS Market Research Ltd The course is designed and delivered by an ESMA Board member, Rita Brophy. Rita is a UK based university lecturer and social researcher, specialising in insight & strategy to inform social marketing programmes. She will draw upon examples from her work to illustrate the teaching in this workshop and will use the Stela* social marketing tool to demonstrate the role of research at each stage of a social marketing programme. The first half of the workshop will be an upbeat presentation from Rita about the role of research in social marketing, covering the basics of qualitative and quantitative research and the increasing opportunities for 'blended’ approaches due to advances in technology. The second half of the workshop will give delegates the opportunity to get creative by practicing some qualitative research techniques in small groups. These will include: discussion guide design, open questioning, empathetic listening and using projective & enabling techniques to elicit in-depth insight. Outcomes: This workshop is ideal for anyone wishing to learn more about research and it’s role in social marketing from a hands-on, practicing research professional with 20+ years experience in the field. Whilst the skills you will develop are useful when planning & conducting a qualitative research study, they can also be also useful in many other situations, including one-to-one interviews, team building events, creative workshops, ideation sessions etc. The workshop will be upbeat, creative and insightful – we hope to see you there! |
23 June 2022
08:00 to 09:00 | Registration and Welcome Coffee |
Registration will be open from 8am and coffee will be available for conference delegates. | |
09:00 to 10:30 |
Conference Open and Welcome Speakers: Dr Nadina Luca, Leah Morantz, Prof Andreas Andronikidis, Peter Economides – Room: Grace C |
Opening Plenary WELCOME to the 5th European Social Marketing Conference & Keynotes Session chair: Nadina Luca, ESMA President, University of York Host speaker: Andreas Andronikidis - University of Macedonia & Greek Academy of Marketing Keynote speakers: Peter Economides – Brand Strategist, Greece Everything Communicates Peter Economides is a brand strategist and one of Greece’ most famous marketing thinkers. His work is focussed on change - on the strategic responses to shifting culture, consumer habits and behaviour, and the challenges of regional and global expansion. His view is that brand strategy needs to be spherical and all encompassing, touching every aspect of the business organization and process. As he says, “everything communicates” and “strategy is nothing without a universally compelling, and individually enchanting big idea that engages and aligns people inside and outside the corporation.”
Leah Morantz - Head of Communications, Public Health Wales, UK Tackling the COVID-19 Pandemic, a National Government Perspective. Lessons learned and battles won. After a senior career in commercial and financial communication for Lloyds Bank and a wide range of advocacy work, including chairing the Maternity Services Liaison Committee for her local health board and later becoming Co-Vice Chair of the Women’s Network of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists in the UK, Leah took on the challenge of shifting to her first public sector role, as Head of Communications and Stakeholder Engagement for Public Health Wales. She has led internal and corporate communications, media relations and public campaigns since 2016. Leah’s team led the communications response to the Covid-19 pandemic in Wales, working seamlessly with partners across the public sector to protect the health and wellbeing of the people of Wales. | |
10:30 to 11:00 | Coffee & Networking |
Coffee will be served for conference delegates. | |
11:00 to 12:35 | Morning Breakout Sessions |
ROOM - Grace D11.00 am – 11.45 am: Submission No. 28 - WORKSHOP Title: Leveraging co-creation to engage in sustainable behavioural changes: a French Touch of Social Marketing Presenters: Patricia Gurviez, Agroparistech Paris-saclay University Sandrine Raffin, Linkup Factory: Marie-Laure Mourre, Université Paris Est Créteil : Agnès Helme-Guizon, University Grenoble Alpes : Our presentation is aimed at engaging the audience in a fruitful dialogue on co-creation methods developed in a French context in order to generate commitment to sustainable behavioural changes. Track: Implementation challenges, Promoting the uptake of social marketing
11.50 am – 12.10 pm: Submission No. 1 Title: Why campaigns focused on preventing trafficking for sexual exploitation need a makeover Authors: Margarida Teixeira, Malmo University The goal of this presentation is to promote the second approach of anti-trafficking for sexual exploitation campaigns focused on consumers and traffickers as a more viable and effective one for both NGOs and public officials concerned with trafficking for sexual exploitation, while at the same time encouraging practitioners and researchers to fill the data gap in this area of social marketing. Track: Equity ROOM - Celeste11.00 am – 12.00 pm - PANEL SESSION Title: The Moral Maze (Exploring ethics of social marketing, who's side are you on!?) Presenters: Jeff French, iSMA President and Brigitte Boonen, Stichting Tegen Kanker This session will consist of a discussion about how interrogate and deal with a number of key social marketing ethical dilemmas. The discussion will be held between four proponents of different schools of ethical thought. A number of ethical issues will be set by a moderator / chair for responses by the panel members. Audience members will also be asked to ask questions related to views expressed by the panel members and also to pose their own ethical challenges for comment.
12.00 pm – 12.20 pm: Submission No. 13 - Pre-Recorded Video Presentation Title: Picturing a Pandemic: How HIV/AIDS Social Marketing Imagery Has Influenced Public Perceptions Authors: Ruth Massingill, Sam Houston State University The HIV/AIDS pandemic offers an example of how social marketing has been used for local, national and global interventions, framing and re-framing the disease as it progressed from a taboo topic to a subject of everyday conversation in all aspects of society. Explicit words and images relating to HIV/AIDS, once forbidden, now routinely appear in all forms of public communication. Nevertheless, almost four decades into the pandemic, HIV/AIDS is still a wicked global problem, with millions of deaths, millions more living with the disease and more than 1.7 million new infections each year (UNAIDS, 2019). This presentation will summarize the progression of social marketing visual approaches as science regarding the disease evolved, as stigma decreased and salience increased, and as society became more open to graphic depictions of formerly taboo topics. Audience members will be asked to discuss how current HIV/AIDS concerns might be addressed through innovative social marketing approaches. Track: Health and wellbeing
12.20 pm – 12.40 pm: Submission No. 40 Title: Putting theory into practice to improve social marketing interventions: Examination against Andreasen’s (2002) benchmarking criteria Authors: Margaret Josion-Portail, Marie-Laure Mourre and Pauline de Pechpeyrou, Université Paris Est Créteil The objective is to identify how well social marketing effectiveness criteria (Andreasen, 2002) are taken into account in programmes aimed at promoting healthy behaviours and analyzed and published by researchers. The authors conducted a systematic review on three scientific databases. The final corpus, comprising 18 articles, was manually coded according to the six criteria. The results highlight disparities in the implementation of these criteria; three of them - audience research, and more importantly exchange and competition - have been particularly overlooked. Our findings complement the work by Carins and Rundle-Thiele (2014) and stress the need for a better consideration of audience research, exchange and competition criteria in the design of social marketing interventions. Track: Health and wellbeing ROOM - Orion
Title: Translating sustainable food consumption into target behaviours: A global comparison of sustainability communication in food-based dietary guidelines. Authors: Lucía Aguirre Sánchez, Ronja Teschner, Neha Lalchandani, Yassmeen El Maohub, Prof. L. Suzanne Suggs, University of Lugano Food-based dietary guidelines (FBDGs) provide country-level official advice on healthy eating. However, collective food choices not only have an impact on individual health but also on population and planetary health. Several countries have updated their official dietary advice to reflect sustainability considerations. We conducted a global review of food-based dietary guidelines to map how different countries communicate environmental sustainability around food. The results contribute to future research aimed at testing different communication framings for sustainable food choices and to the operational definition of sustainable food consumption behaviours to guide intervention design. Track: Planetary health: Environment and sustainability
11.25 am – 11.45 am: Submission No. 76 Title: A 'More Than Food' Approach to Conceptualizing Social Eating Practices In the UK Authors: Marsha Smith, Coventry University ‘Social eating initiatives’ are community-based food services providing opportunities for people to eat together in local spaces using surplus food. Rather than framed as food charity, a practice theories approach shows how participants are accomplishing ‘more than food’ during these mealtimes. This has implications for public health interventions and policies. Track: New theories and methods being used in social marketing 11.50 am – 12.10 pm: Submission No. 80 Title: Promoting healthy food practices: can students speak to students? Authors: Andrea Gourmelen, Josselin Masson and Angélique Rodhain, University Of Montpellier Students, who consume less healthy products and more fast-food and highly-processed products than the rest of the population, represent an at-risk group regarding food diet. Nevertheless, few social marketing campaigns are directed to this specific target. Past research emphasizes that students do not feel targeted by existed campaigns and would prefer other forms of communication such as social media based on peer advices. The objective of this research is then to experiment the effectiveness of a campaign based on an invitation to a workshop that would be hold by other students compared to health professionals and food industry professionals. Track: Food and the environment 12.15 pm – 12.35 pm: Submission No. 17 Title: Towards a theory-based model to induce behavioural change in terms of physical activity and sedentarity: an application to adults living in a low socioeconomic position. Authors: Romain Debru and Agnès Helme-Guizon, University Grenoble Alpes In this research, we propose a conceptual model for understanding and changing people’s health behaviours (physical activity practices and sedentary behaviours). This model combines a socio-ecological approach and self-determination theory. It offers the possibility to analyse people’s health behaviours encompassing both environmental and individual considerations. Track: Health and wellbeing ROOM - Theta11.00 am – 11.20 am: Submission No. 14 Title: Starting upstream: scoping the requirements of a social marketing campaign Authors: Ana Granger, Ian Fannon and Ben Caspersz, Claremont A partnership of health organisations in London, UK, wanted to increase cancer screening rates. But with limited budget, multiple cancer types, diverse audiences and significant health inequalities they needed to start upstream and use the methodical process detailed in this paper to refine the scope of the campaign. Track: New theories and methods being used in social marketing
11.25 am – 11.45 am: Submission No. 29 Title: The Elephant in the Room – The Role of Advertising in Social Marketing Authors: Sara Balonas and Susana Marques, Communication And Society Research Centre University Of Minho In Academic studies of Advertising, the discipline is often associated with mass consumption and commercial goals. Its role on social sphere, capable of influencing individuals and communities for good, is often ignored or devalued. However, advertisers, organizations and publics already assume the relevant role Advertising plays in society beyond code bars (Report Credo, 2020). The hidden role of Social Advertising is also perceived in Social Marketing theories and methods. Yet, it is through advertising campaigns that many Social Marketing programs are implemented. The purpose is to look at full potential of Advertising including behavioural advertising, Advertising as a major part on Social Corporate Responsibility campaigns and the power of Advertising social causes campaigns beyond brands. Moreover, understanding that Advertising practices are based on strategic thinking can bring new insights to social marketers about how to better interact with advertisers. Track: New theories and methods being used in social marketing
11.50 am – 12.10 pm: Submission No. 4 Title: Social marketing to change social norms: Evidence and case studies from LMIC Authors: W. Douglas Evans, George Washington University This presentation aims to connect the dots between social marketing and social norms based on three evidence-based case studies illustrate how social marketing can change norms. First, in Rwanda, an existing branded program called Ni Nyampinga (NN) designed to empower and promote agency in girls was adapted using social marketing to build positive social norms for HPV vaccination. The author describes a randomized trial that demonstrated positive effects of exposure to NN HPV messages on vaccination social norms. Second, in Sudan, a social marketing program called Saleema was used to change social norms about female genital mutilation (FGM). The author describes a nationwide evaluation of Saleema and its effects on FGM social norms. Third, in three countries, modern cookstoves were promoted using social marketing campaigns. In a cross-site evaluation, social norms improved as a function of exposure to the campaigns. Novel theory and research for each example are presented. Track: New theories and methods being used in social marketing
12.15 pm – 12.35 pm: Submission No. 51 Title: Going Round in Circles: Causal Loop Diagrams Highlight Exchange Inefficiencies for Social Marketing Authors: Christine Domegan and Tina Flaherty, NUI Galway, Ireland There is a substantive exchange paradox in social marketing. Despite exchange being foundational to the domain, as is evidenced by the central position it takes in the iSMA consensus definition and its inclusion as one of eight benchmark criteria, exchange theory is significantly underutilized and underdeveloped in social marketing. Exchange blindness hampers social marketing's capacity to deliver wide-scale behaviour change required for crises such as climate change, the United Nations Sustainability Development Goals (UN SDGs), inequalities and the pandemic. Causal loop diagrams, a systems tool capturing non-linear relationships, behavioural and exchanges dynamics across macro, meso and micro stakeholders, offers social marketing a theoretical and practical way forward for systemic change. Track: New theories and methods being used in social marketing | |
12:35 to 13:30 | Lunch & Poster Judgement |
Lunch will be served for conference delegates. | |
13:30 to 14:30 |
Afternoon Keynote Speakers: Fiona Spotswood, Prof Doug Evans |
Session Chair: Fiona Spotswood Senior Lecturer in Marketing, School of Management, University of Bristol Special speaker: Professor Sharyn Rundle-Thiele, Founding Director, Social Marketing @ Griffith and Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Social Marketing The 2022 iSMA Social Marketing Standards Setting Process: Progress update and next steps Keynote speaker: Prof. Doug Evans - George Washington University, USA Digital Media for Behaviour Change: Evidence for Social Marketing Doug Evans is a Professor of Prevention and Community Health, and of Global Health, and Director of the Public Health Communication and Marketing Program at the Milken Institute School of Public Health. Dr. Evans focuses on the translation of marketing and communication strategies into interventions designed to promote adoption of health behaviours and avoidance of health risk behaviours, both in the United States and in low and middle income countries (LMIC) worldwide. He primarily works in 3 areas: 1) the application of branding principles to behaviour change, 2) design and evaluation of interventions using digital technologies such as social media and other mobile phone features, and 3) reducing health disparities and improving health equity through marketing and communication. | |
14:30 to 15:00 | Coffee & Networking |
Coffee will be served for conference delegates. | |
15:00 to 17:00 | Afternoon Breakout Sessions |
ROOM - Grace C3.00 pm – 4.00 pm: SPECIAL SESSION Title: Weaponizing Social Marketing to solve a wicked military problem. Facilitators: Maj. Marvin Kuipers RM, NLD Army and Professor Jeff French, iSMA President Aim: To give participants an opportunity to explore how social marketing principles can be applied to a military context. Major Marvin Kuipers served as reservist in Mali and helped to lower the threat of IEDs (improvised explosive devices) during his mission by applying social marketing techniques to encourage people to report IEDs based on citizen insight. Now, participants get the opportunity to help lower this problem in this workshop, with a real-life case. In the workshop Maj Marvin will give the participants relevant background information about the safety situation case study , and will ask participants working in groups to come up with a solution based on social marketing principles. The groups will present their solutions, and Maj Marvin will present what was done to rescue the problem. Number of participants - Maximum 35 (There will be group work) ROOM - Grace D3.00 pm – 3.45 pm: Submission No. 52- WORKSHOP Title: Zooming In and Out: Causal Loop Diagrams for Wide Scale Behaviour Change Authors: Christine Domegan, NUI Galway, Ireland This workshop focuses on the use of Causal Loop Diagrams as a diagnostic and dynamic social marketing tool In health, environment, climate change and pandemic settings. Systems science is at the forefront of complexity thinking and practice In relation to local-to-global problems such as climate change, obesity, Inequalities and the current pandemic in social marketing. Within systems science, causal loop diagrams (CLDs) are a powerful diagnostic tool to investigate and understand behavioural relationships between multi-level stakeholders and their potential transformation in social marketing. Sterman (2000, p.102) defines CLDs as “simply maps showing the causal links among variables with arrows from a cause to an effect” with an indication of polarity of hypothesized relationship between variables. CLDs qualify as “flexible and useful tools for diagramming the feedback structure of systems in any domain” (Sterman, 2000, p.36). For social marketing, CLDs can be used as a basic representation of the key forces, barriers and drivers, within a problem system and how these exchange forces are interconnected. Arrows are used to indicate the direction and the nature of the exchange relationship (Saunders and Truong, 2019; Khayame and Abdeljawad, 2021). Track: New theories and methods being used in social marketing
3.50 pm – 4.10 pm: Submission No. 106 Title: Pester Power in Social Marketing: a measuring scale of children’s influence of adults’ road safety Authors: João Fins, Beatriz Casais, Andreia Teixeira, University of Minho Digital distraction while driving has been identified as one of the main causes of road accidents. To combat this problem, fear appeals have been widely disseminated in road safety campaigns, but these efforts have not brought the expected results. This paper explores the effectiveness of the use of the concept of pester power applied to social marketing. This concept implies that children spread the message to adults as controllers of social behaviours. The study evaluated a gain-frame approach, where children promoted the desired behaviours with the arguments of quality of life. Track: Promoting the uptake, mandate and application of social marketing
4.15 pm – 4.35 pm: Submission No. 108 Title: Consumer-Dominant Social Marketing: What It Is, What It Can Do and What It Shouldn't Do Authors: Thomas Anker, Ross Gordon and Nadia Zainuddin, University of Glasgow Consumers are increasingly empowered to drive pro-social behaviour change in the business eco-system and wider society. Based on a short introduction to the concept of consumer dominance, this presentation discusses how consumers can harness their enhanced power-base to create meaningful behaviour change for the greater social good. However, consumer-dominant social marketing is not unproblematic: critical issues such as individualisation of responsibility, stigmatisation and internalisation of guilt are discussed. The presentation concludes with a reflection on the role of mainstream social marketing in the facilitation of consumer-driven social change. Track: New theories and methods being used in social marketing ROOM - Celeste3.00 pm – 3.20 pm: Submission No. 99 Title: Fair Enough: How to change the Social Norm in Drinking? Authors: Lies Lambert, Kristof Debacker, Peter Verbiest, Bert Smits, Dorien De Troy, TWEEPRENBOOM CV FAIR ENOUGH is a campaign of the Lazarus project. LAZARUS is the smart-drinking pilot of Leuven, one of the city pilots in the worldwide program ‘City Pilots Initiatives of the AB Inbev Foundation’. Leuven is a city with 102.000 inhabitants, during the academic year over 60,000 students add to this number. AB InBev Leuven, the city of Leuven and other local partners, aim to reduce harmful drinking in the city by 10% in 2022. One of the ways to achieve that ambition is the FAIR ENOUGH-social marketing campaign. FAIR ENOUGH wants to turn harmful drinking into smart drinking through communication channels young people feel connected to. Generation M, a radio show on youth radio station MNM joins the collaboration with LAZARUS. Track: Health and wellbeing 3.25 pm – 3.45 pm: Submission No. 97 Title: Influencing Singaporeans towards a healthier lifestyle with LumiHealth Author: Anne Chew, Health Promotion Board, Singapore The Health Promotion Board in Singapore (HPB) is committed to promoting healthy living in Singapore. Through studies conducted, we saw that Singaporeans had a number of blind spots when it came to health - prioritising some areas, such as fitness, and forgetting about others, such as mental wellbeing, nutrition, sleep and regular health screenings. We had to get Singaporeans to realise that all aspects of health are interrelated and that their health should be far more holistically managed. Under the Smart Nation Initiative, the government of Singapore and Apple partnered to develop a health engagement programme to drive behavioural changes for improved and sustained health outcomes. This would be delivered through gamification, offering a unique and personalised health and wellness experience designed to motivate and reward Singaporeans to improve their health through small, manageable daily activities. It was the first ever direct-to-consumer initiative designed by HPB, leveraging the Apple Watch and iPhone, that allowed citizens to earn incentives as they became healthier. Track: Health and wellbeing 3.50 pm – 4.10 pm: Submission No. 102 Title: Designing a theoretically informed obesity campaign using a whole systems approach. Author: Kate Parsons, Hitch Two thirds of adults in the UK are classed as overweight or obese, which is linked to increased risk of England’s top five leading causes of death in adults; this is following an upward trajectory. In 2021 there were over one million hospital admissions where obesity was a factor, a 17% increase since 2019 (PHE, Health Profile for England, 2021; NHS, Statistics on Obesity, Physical Activity, and Diet, England, 2021). Obesity is one of the highest metabolic risk factors associated with morbidity and mortality in the UK; associated behavioural factors that contribute to obesity levels are physical inactivity and poor nutrition (PHE, Health Profile for England, 2021). The social marketing agency were commissioned to develop an obesity prevention campaign aimed at targeting behaviours that are key drivers of obesity in the UK- physical inactivity and poor nutrition. Track: Health and wellbeing 4.15 pm – 4.35 pm: Submission No. 101 Title: Healthy Eats – evaluation of a social marketing program delivered in primary school settings Author: Sharyn Rundle-Thiele, Sebastian Isbanner, Julia Carins, Griffith University More than 37 per cent of North Queensland adults are obese, 10 per cent higher than the Australian national average of about 27 per cent. In response, Life Education Queensland (LEQ) researched, developed, piloted, and delivered the Healthy Eats program that aims to empower students to make healthier food choices featuring a sustainable, whole of school approach. This study reports key program outcomes for 2021 work from the evaluation conducted by Social Marketing @ Griffith. The outcome evaluation 1) assessed the extent to which students have retained knowledge following program participation and 2) assessed whether students’ fruit and vegetable consumption improved after participation in the program. Self-report data from 19 schools and students (n=1868 (Knowledge Survey); n=1042 (Behaviour)) was analysed using a range of statistical tests. Knowledge of recommended fruit and vegetable serves changed significantly from an average of 2.92 fruit (3.55 vegetable) serves a day pre-intervention to an average of 2.13 fruit (4.81 vegetable) serves a day post-participation, aligning more closely to Australian dietary guidelines following program participation. Behavioural results for fruit consumption were also favourable with clear improvements after the intervention. Considerable increases in vegetable consumption were demonstrated in two of the eight schools. The intervention was more effective at aligning fruit consumption closer to recommended daily consumption levels. Track: Health and wellbeing ROOM - Orion3.00 pm – 3.20 pm: Submission No. 104 Title: How Does Objective Knowledge Moderate Selected Drivers of the Willingness to Separate Household Waste? A Perspective from an emerging market Authors: Paul Blaise Issock Issock, Helen Duh, University of the Witwatersrand Waste separation is a new recycling activity in most South African households and is not yet widespread across the country. Despite the efforts of the government to foster a culture of recycling, just a few households have adopted waste separation. This study aims to understand the impact of selected antecedents of waste separation through a modified technology acceptance model. Moreover, to suit the South African context, this study further investigates the extent to which objective knowledge moderates the relationships between performance expectancy and perceived ease of household waste separation, perceived consumer effectiveness and willingness to separate household waste. Quantitative data was collected from 350 household respondents. Structural equation modelling and a metric invariance test (Chi-square) revealed that the model significantly differs across three levels of knowledge. The findings point to the fact that individuals are willing to separate their domestic waste when they perceive it as easy to do and if they view it as an effective action to preserve the environment. Moreover, objective knowledge of environmental issues appears to be a crucial variable in facilitating the proposed relationships in the model. Practical implications are provided for policymakers, social marketers and municipality management dealing with waste management. Track: Planetary health: Environment and sustainability
3.25 pm – 3.45 pm: Submission No. 85 Title: Testing the theoretical viability of psychological distance and the Capability-Opportunity-Motivation-Behaviour (COM-B) framework - Findings from a pilot study in the context of single-use plastic (SUP) reduction. Author: Sebastian Isbanner, Daisy Lee, and Sharyn Rundle-Thiele, Griffith University Growth in global single-use plastic tableware consumption has increased rapidly, most recently fuelled by COVID-19 healthy safety concerns. Continued growth is forecast and underwhelmingly low recycling rates suggest that urgent action is needed. With theory indicated as an essential contributor to behaviour change, frameworks that can be confidently applied are required. This paper presents findings from a pilot study, which tested the theoretical viability of applying psychological distance as a precursor to SUP reduction behaviour, using the Capability-Opportunity-Motivation-Behaviour (COM-B) model. Data from 131 Hong Kong residents, who completed an online survey, was analysed using PLS-SEM to explore the explanatory potential of the approach. The findings of this pilot offer initial evidence suggesting that psychological distance may be considered a precursor to the COM-B model. Track: Planetary health: Environment and sustainability 3.50 pm – 4.10 pm: Submission No. 105 Title: NGOs talking the walk or only walking the walk? Analysing NGOs pro-environmental persuasive communication strategies. Author: Ibe Delvaux, Dr. Wendy Van den Broeck, Foundation Against Cancer Belgium Giving people all the necessary information on pro-environmental behaviour will make them change their behaviours, right? Think again. As climate change remains a human caused problem, people’s behaviour change towards pro-environmental behaviour, remains an essential factor in mitigating climate change (IPCC, 2022). An important field that can have a big impact on these pro-environmental behaviour changes is social marketing1 (McKenzie-Mohr, 2011). Although it has been shown that strictly giving information does not lead to long term behaviour change, a lot of social marketing interventions are still using this strategy. However, research has shown that the integration of social psychological aspects (McKenzie-Mohr, 1994), like persuasive principles (Cialdini, 2007) can indeed have the desired effect. Therefore, it is important to analyse to what extent social marketers are already using these principles. While NGOs are an important actor in environmental social marketing, this study will focus on their communication efforts in trying to create pro-environmental behaviour change. This is studied by doing both in-depth interviews with communication managers at NGOs as well as doing a quantitative content analysis of their social media posts. Track: Planetary health: Environment and sustainability 4.15 pm – 4.35 pm: Submission No. 15 Title: If we make healthy eating more social, will it become more appealing? Presenter: Katrien Maldoy, Charlotte De Backer and Karolien Poels, University Of Antwerp In a quantitative content analysis on all Belgian food commercials during 2018 (N = 376), the authors found that healthy and low-calorie foods are more often shown in an individual consumption context than unhealthy and high-calorie foods. Additionally, high-calorie foods are more often shown being consumed among friends and family than low-calorie foods. They are also more often shared (i.e., shared with risk of contamination). Following these results, the authors wondered whether the social consumption context in which a healthy food is shown affects its appeal. They hypothesized that the pleasure generated by the social context, or the food, may play an important role. As unhealthy food is often considered a source of pleasure in itself, whereas healthy food is not, the social context’s effect on pleasure was expected to be stronger for healthy food than for unhealthy food. Based on food sharing’s (evolutionary) association with close relationships and friendship, it was expected that images portraying healthy food sharing induce more pleasure than images portraying eating healthy together, and that images portraying eating healthy together induce more pleasure than images portraying eating healthy alone. Two between-subject experiments with a 2 (healthfulness: healthy, unhealthy) x 3 (context: eating alone, eating together or food sharing) design were conducted, across different age groups and food types. Results indicate that pleasure indeed affects food’s appeal, and that images in which healthy food is shared induce more pleasure than images in which healthy food is eaten alone. Social and pleasant images, such as images in which healthy food is shared, are therefore promising in promoting healthy eating. The authors recommend healthy food advertisers to carefully consider the social context in which they promote their products. Track: Health and wellbeing ROOM - Theta3.00 pm – 3.20 pm: Submission No. 71 Title: Altea - a platform where Long-COVID affected people are the experts, and help shape therapies and Interventions on their way to better health Authors: Natalie Rangelov and Michael P. Schlunegger, Altea Long Covid Network Using a co-creation approach, the Altea platform was built with the direct contribution of Long COVID affected people, therapists and doctors, and researchers, to help affected people coping with Long COVID. The focus is on the exchange between all interested parties through a systematic, professional, holistic-support-oriented, and solution-oriented community. Track: Health and wellbeing
3.25 pm – 3.45 pm: Submission No. 73 Title: Bristol Girls Can: A co-created, practice-oriented social marketing approach to supporting mothers’ leisure time physical activity in the COVID-19 era Authors: Fiona Spotswood, University of Bristol The Bristol Girls Can social marketing project, funded by Sport England, has the goal of engaging mothers in the most deprived parts of Bristol South with LTPA during the pandemic and beyond. This presentation explores the programme, and its unique practice theory underpinnings. Track: Health and wellbeing 3.50 pm – 4.10 pm: Submission No. 84 Title: StayHealthy@home: was it so healthy for all? Authors: Anna Maria Murante, Sant’anna School of Advanced Studies of Pisa During the Covid-19, Governments introduced movement restrictions, imposed strict rules on outdoor and indoor physical activity, and asked to avoid contacts with elderly to keep them safe. Doing outdoor exercises became more complex to limit active lifestyles and loneliness became a plague for elderly that couldn’t receive “physical” support from relatives. The main aims of this work are to explore i) how elderly healthy behaved during the covid 19 pandemic compared with the adult population and ii) which factors facilitated or limited healthy lifestyles, such as physical activity, among elderly during the first lockdown. Data from 766 individuals aged 18+ were analysed. Behaviours of the elderly were compared with those of an adult counterpart population, and a structural equation model was performed to test the study’s hypotheses. The elderly group became more inactive than the adult group. Social support leveraged elderly who kept active during the pandemic, while adults’ competitive attitude leveraged their active behaviours. To demonstrate that different “personal resources” act on adults and elderly. Finally, a valued life had a positive and direct effect on being socially supported for both elderly and adults, social support Track: Covid-19 4.15 pm – 4.35 pm: Submission No. 98 Title: Forever Flex – making flexible working work beyond a crisis. Authors: Lucy Proudfoot, Ian Fannon, Claremont As outlined by the Flex Appeal campaign, the overwhelming evidence suggests that flexible working is good for everyone. In January 2020 Claremont partnered with the Flex Appeal campaign founders (Anna Whitehouse and Mat Farquharson) and Sir Robert McAlpine to form Flexmakers - the employer facing element of the Flex Appeal campaign. Pre-covid polling showed 87% people in the UK wanted flexible working but only 27% people had a flexible working agreement. Plenty of employer facing facts, stats and toolkits about flexible working already existed. There was no shortage of evidence to demonstrate the benefits of flexible working to organisations – better staff retention, better productivity, better talent - but it wasn’t having much impact on employers’ attitudes and behaviours and there was still a lot of resistance amongst employers. Flexmakers wanted to reach employers on a more human level, one that might make them feel the benefits of flex and developed a campaigning approach to increase the number of employers willing to give flexible working a try. By March 2020, following the escalation of Covid-19 and the subsequent lockdown, many employers were forced into new radical forms of flexible working – such as remote working – overnight. However, many were doing this with no prior knowledge of how to implement flexible working and a big risk was that employers might conflate forced remote working with the range of different types of flexible working and miss the nuance involved in doing flexible working well. Our focus shifted from: ‘how do we get employers to try flexible working (in all its forms)?’, to include ‘how do we get them to sustain it in a positive, healthy way?’ Track: Upstream social marketing | |
17:00 to 19:00 | Drinks Reception |
Delegates are all free to enjoy a drinks reception in the Hotel Courtyard with complimentary refreshments and light bites of food. |
24 June 2022
09:00 to 10:00 |
Welcome to Day Two Speakers: Dr Ariadne Kapetanaki, Dimitris Papastergiou, Prof Christine Domegan – Room: Grace C |
Welcome and introduction to the 2nd day on behalf of the European Social Marketing Association. Session Chair: Dr Ariadne Kapetanaki, University of York Keynote speakers: Dimitris Skourogiannis - The Periplus Project, Greece Can a design experiment become a true factor for change in rural Greece? The Periplus project and workshops are an initiative having a huge impact in Greece and further afield. Founded by Dimitris Skourogiannis, a multidisciplinary designer and lifelong advocate of design’s ability to change things for the better. He is a firm believer that creativity is a unique potential, hidden amongst human capabilities waiting to be properly nourished and dynamically flourish and that the future belongs to those who can finally see beyond the obvious.
Christine Domegan - NUI Galway, Ireland A Pandemic, Climate Change, War and Provisioning Systems, the next normal for Social Marketing A Pandemic, climate warming, war, and much more bring crises that change the patterns of daily life in human communities, directly impacting the provisioning systems that form in a community to meet the needs and wants of individuals, groups, and entities for goods, services, experiences, ideas. The diversity of provisioning systems in a community that enables crisis resilience, but limits efficiency and control, are complex, multi-level, non-linear evolutionary systems, often unpredictable, and lacking direction. Balancing a desire for stability and an appetite for diversity, innovation, and change in shaping a provisioning system is like walking a narrow corridor on the edge of chaos. Achieving balance, avoiding slipping into chaos, rests on the management of a set of complex social mechanisms; delivery platforms, stakeholders, technology and value exchanges. Recovery from crisis is not an event, it is a complex, continuing process. This is the next normal for social marketing. | |
10:15 to 11:50 | Morning Breakout Sessions |
ROOM - GRACE C10.15 am – 11.45 am: PANEL SESSION “Social Marketing for Social Inclusion in the Disability Sector” Panel Chair: L. Suzanne Suggs (ESMA and USI) Panel Members: 1) Angela Makris (USF), 2) Camilla Speranza (USI), 3) Petya Grudeva (NAHRU) Session summary: The panel will focus on the emerging potential that social marketing can play to address health and healthcare disparities for people with disabilities; in particular the issue of inclusion. The panel will cover the following areas, along with Q&A from the audience
ROOM - Grace D10.15 am – 10.35 am: Submission No. 68 Title: Evaluation challenges in defining long-term success of public health social marketing programmes and interventions Author: Judita Kulovec, Mojca Maver and Silva Nemeš, National Institute Of Public Health Slovenia Many challenges of managing public health care programmes revolve around a specifically wicked problem - defining and measuring the behaviour change. The session will engage marketers and communicators in discussion on best evaluation practices - going beyond mere participation in public health interventions towards pursuing the behaviour change objective. Track: Health and wellbeing
10.40 am – 11.00 am: Submission No. 34 Title: Objective and perceived accessibility to healthy food: What about the urban European context? Authors: Angélique Rodhain, Karine Garcia, Josselin Masson and Andréa Gourmelen, University Of Montpellier Past researchers and public policy programs aiming to improve low-income population’s diet have focused on the identification of food deserts, and then of objective and perceived accessibility to healthy food, to direct public action on specific areas. Unfortunately, these actions were only marginally successful. We conducted a review that focused on objective and perceived accessibility to better understand this failure. The first objective of this paper is to identify gaps in the literature in measures used either for objective or perceived accessibility to healthy food, focusing on the lack of interest in the target’s own experience. The second objective is to question the adjustment of these constructs that come mainly from the USA in the context of European cities. In conclusion, we suggest an agenda of research in social marketing in order to better encapsulate the complexity of objective and perceived accessibility and their link to healthy food behaviour. Track: Health and wellbeing
11.05 am – 11.25 am: Submission No. 27 Title: Toward a Socio-Cultural Approach in Food Waste Related Social Marketing Authors: Ulla-Maija Sutinen, Tampere University The presentation constructs a path between social marketing and food waste research and focuses on the insights gained through socio-cultural research approaches in both fields, paying especial attention to socio-cultural meanings, discourses, and practices. Track: Food and the environment
11.30 am – 11.50 am: Submission No. 16 Title: SAVE, a proposal for a new model of comprehensive evaluation in social marketing Authors: Patricia Gurviez and Sandrine Raffin, Agroparistech Paris-saclay University Evaluating a social marketing intervention is necessary because it allows to capitalize on both successes and failures. This evaluation has to question and demonstrate the efficiency of the intervention in achieving its goals, which in return can be used to find new interested parties and funding for future interventions. The SAVE model (Systems, Actors, Value, Empowerment) is proposed to build a dynamic and comprehensive evaluation plan throughout an intervention for behavioural changes. Track: New theories and methods being used in social marketing ROOM - CELESTE10.15 am – 10.35 am: Submission No. 5 Title: Depression - Why it matters and what social marketers can do Authors: Felix S. Hussenoeder, Maria Koschig, Ines Conrad and Steffi G. Riedel-Heller, Leipzig University Depression is a common mental disorder and a leading cause of disability worldwide. The presentation will provide participants with information on disorder, risk/ protective factors, risk groups, and the specific challenges of the field. The session is suitable for researchers as well as health professionals who are interested in working in the prevention of depression. Track: Health and wellbeing
10.40 am – 11.00 am: Submission No. 56 Title: Creating Happiness Heroes: A Social Marketing Approach to Increasing Mental Health and Wellbeing Literacy and Protective Behaviours in Children and Families. A Pilot Project and Recommendations for Practice. Authors: Sarah Cork, University of Brighton This presentation shares a case study that explored the potential for use of a social marketing approach to enable and encourage self-care behaviours for positive mental and emotional wellbeing in young children and families. Through the development and testing of a flexible ‘social product’, the project aimed to provide stakeholders across the system with the means to introduce evidence-based mental and emotional health and wellbeing habits in fun, practical, creative ways. The presentation will share the process, results and learnings from the project and provide practical recommendations for future activity that could be included in a post-19 recovery plan Track: Health and wellbeing
11.05 am – 11.25 am: Submission No. 48 Title: Identifying Factors of Mental Health Stigma: A Study of Indian Youth Authors: Shefali Khare, Mahim Sagar Indian Institute Of Technology, Delhi India is considered a young country and youth is a precious resource. Innumerable challenges come while seeking mental health services because of pre-existing stereotypes as to what society might think. The shame of dysfunctional behaviours puts youths in danger of not looking for help. India is at a slow pace with its mental health care as stigma prevails in a society. It is essential to find out how youth think about the stigma of mental illness positively or negatively as it will pave the way for better social marketing communication. Communication creates awareness and providing correct information, will help in mitigating stigma. This paper aims to identify the impact of age, gender, and education of youth on the positive and negative attitude of mental health stigma and find the most critical dimension of identified factors that may work as a facilitator for social marketing communication. Track: Health and wellbeing
11.30 – 11.50 am: Submission No. 39 Title: Research/Evaluation: Evaluating the State of Cyberbullying Research and the Effectiveness of Anti-Cyberbullying Campaigns Authors: Dawn Stapleton, Alison Dingwall, Ryan Hollins, Kristen Klein, Jennifer Mathieu, Lee Stein and Jenn Tung Galent, MITRE Cyberbullying is recognized by many – including the Centers for Disease Control, National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine, and The White House – to be a serious public health problem. Cyberbullying often occurs when an individual, or group of individuals, target a person online to initiate bullying. Its effects range from depression, anxiety, isolation, physical health issues, and lower academic scores, all of which can persist from childhood into adulthood. In addition, cyberbullying has been linked to a great number of suicide cases in young people. The MITRE research team undertook exploratory research and analysis of the cyberbullying issue. Track: Health and wellbeing ROOM - ORION10.15 am – 10.35 am: Submission No. 59 Title: Multi-level stakeholder analysis for a national recreational water quality system Authors: Sinead Duane, Christine Domegan, Meave Louise Farrell, Liam Burke and Dearbhaile Morris, NUI Galway, Ireland Systems social marketing is gaining traction as an innovative approach to dealing with complex societal issues in a changing world. Systems thinkers adopt a coordinated response to problem solving promoting a joint up approach across different sectors. This co-creation process improves the quality of the response as social marketers more clearly understand the boundaries of the system and how the stakeholders interact within. This paper discusses the important role of the formative stakeholder analysis within the broader systems social marketing mapping process. The findings presented contribute to narrowing the gap in our understanding of the dynamics of complex systems by examining not only ‘why’ interactions between stakeholders take place but also how. Formative research gives social marketers the opportunity to understand the features of the issue from a multi-stakeholder perspective within a defined system and explore possible solutions. Within this presentation the formative stakeholder analysis research process is discussed in the context of recreational water quality. Fifteen in-depth interviews were conducted with stakeholders across the recreational water system. The findings outline the key features of the systems as well as explore the potential barriers and facilitators to improving water quality. This session would be beneficial to researchers and social marketing practitioners alike who adopt/are adopting a systems thinking approach to complex societal issues. Track: Planetary health: Environment and sustainability
10.40 am – 11.00 am: Submission No. 78 Title: Households' water conservation: Implications for social marketing Authors: Lina Khattab, University of York Water shortages is one of the environmental issues that has gained attention, because water is a vital natural resource that has no substitute (DEFRA, 2018). Globally, almost four billion people experience severe water scarcity (United Nations, 2019). Even countries that have a low risk of drought are expected to suffer from water shortages in the near future. In the UK, for instance, because of higher pressure on water sources and an anticipated “drier future” with lower rainfall there is an increasing risk of drought by 2050 (DEFRA, 2018). Thus, efforts to preserve water resources are not only needed in countries that are currently experiencing water shortages but also in countries that could be facing a risk of drought in the long run. The significance of incorporating social marketing into conservation programs to address environmental threats is emphasised (Green et al., 2019). In this research it is argued that social marketing interventions could have a great potential in the domain of water conservation. Track: Planetary health: Environment and sustainability
11.05 – 11.25 am: Submission No. 54 Title: Combating plastic pollution with… general lifestyle influencers? Comparing influencer advertising effectiveness according to product type, influencer type and message framing Authors: Roseline van Gogh, Karolien Poels and Michel Walrave, University of Antwerp This study assesses whether and how general lifestyle influencers without outspoken green expertise could promote green lifestyle products, thereby reaching a wider, more general public. Advertising outcomes of a sponsored Instagram-post were compared in two online scenario-based experiments that varied according to lifestyle product type (green vs. non-green), influencer type (macro vs. nano) and message framing (informational vs. transformational). Track: Planetary health: Environment and sustainability 11.30 – 11.50 am: Submission No. 93 Title: Influencer Marketing as a Social Marketing Tool: An Experimental Study with a Micro Influencer Communicating Water Footprint Authors: Dr. Ferah Onat, Dr Melike Uluçay, Çağıl Zehni, Yaşar University The study aims to reveal the impact of Influencer marketing as a social marketing technique on the perception of the water footprint of the consumers. The impacts will be measured in terms of consumers’ perceptions toward water footprint, sustainable water consumption, and understanding of the information which is communicated by an Instagram Influencer. The session aims to give information about the research and discuss the findings. Track: New theories and methods being used in social marketing ROOM - Theta10.15 am – 10.35 am: Submission No. 2 Title: Brands that elevate the very forces of life: An applied neuroscientific methodology Authors: Constantinos Pantidos, Brand Aviators This research establishes the links of many disciplines, for the first time, to capture the motives of human behavior at their deepest levels of deployment all the way from their biological necessity and survival value; to the neurosystems they engage in our brain; the cognitive operations and psychological states they activate; the major sociocultural reinforcers humans develop in order to satisfy them; and to the rich hierarchy of inherent concepts they infuse into our everyday life and provides the most integrated approach for shaping brand strategy that engages people at the most profound human level. The methodology is already leveraged by such companies as Coca-Cola and Unilever. Track: New theories and methods being used in social marketing
10.40 am – 11.00 am: Submission No. 72 Title: Reimagining emotion in social marketing using practice theory Authors: Fiona Spotswood, University of Bristol Social marketers have noted the importance of strategic emotional triggers that are 'critical levers' of behaviour change by increasing levels of commitment to pro-social change. However, emotion is conceptualised in social marketing as a 'component' of decision making. This presentation draws on practice theory concept of teleoaffective structures to reimagine emotion for social marketing as part of the blueprint of practices and not a matter of individualistic decision making. This opens up questions about how to reframe unequal 'access' to the emotions, purposes and goals that practices offer. Track: New theories and methods being used in social marketing
11.05 am – 11.25 am: Submission No. 31 - Pre-Recorded Video Presentation Title: Critical Consciousness and Social Marketing Authors: Carlos Oliveira Santos, Institute for Public and Social Policy, IPPS-IUL and Luísa Godinho, Observare, Autonomous University of Lisbon Social Marketing (SM) is a multi-disciplinary and trans-theoretical field. To influence behaviour for social good, SM establishes links with all kinds of fields and approaches that can improve that purpose. This paper seeks to identify Critical Consciousness (CC), theoretically and practically, and establishes a relation with SM, considering that it could be proficuous for both fields. It is concluded that several relations exist, some concepts are similar, and there is space for a much stronger interconnection between both approaches. Track: New theories and methods being used in social marketing
11.30 – 11.50 am: Submission No. 38 Title: Social Change By Design: Design Thinking as a Participatory Research Journey in Social Marketing Authors: Camille Anin and Agnès Helme-Guizon, Université Grenoble Alpes, Grenoble INP-IAE Over the last decade, there has been a real enthusiasm for design thinking. Both for profit and non-profit organizations are increasingly building on this approach to innovation. The notions of human-centered design and design thinking for social innovation emphasize the possibilities of design thinking to contribute to build greater and healthier societies. Yet, there is a very limited use of design thinking in social marketing research. Despite the extensive attention paided to engaging stakeholders in social marketing, we consider design thinking is not a buzz word but hold great promises in considering it as a participatory research journey. In this session, we will look at design thinking as a set of tools and methods that enables researchers to challenge the power balance between the different stakeholders and create new dynamics for promoting individual and collective well-being. Track: New theories and methods being used in social marketing | |
11:50 to 12:15 | Coffee & Networking |
Coffee will be served for conference delegates. | |
12:15 to 13:00 | Afternoon Plenary: Critical Social Marketing Panel |
12.15 pm – 13.00 pm: PANEL SESSION Critical Social Marketing Panel Panel Chair: Thomas Anker, University of Glasgow Panel Members: Ariadne Kapetanaki, Fiona Spotswood, Ulla-Maija Sutinen and Carlos Oliveira Santos (Pre-recorded video contribution) Session summary: The Critical Social Marketing panel provides a chance to interrogate the topics and perspectives that critical social marketers are researching and writing about in Europe and beyond. This year, the panel includes Thomas Anker (chair), Ariadne Kapetanaki, Fiona Spotswood, Ulla-Maija Sutinen and Carlos Oliveira Santos. Gordon (2018) explains that Critical Social Marketing (CSM) involves critically analysing social marketing theories, concepts, discourses, and practice and/or examining the deleterious impact of commercial marketing activities on social marketing problems - to generate critique, conflict and change that facilitates emancipatory social good. At this year’s European Social Marketing Conference, our panel discussion provides an opportunity to discuss the connections between these reflexive concerns and social marketing practice. We have asked panel members to consider the following question: ‘what is the role of critical social marketing in the future of social marketing?’ We are particularly interested in reflections on how critical social marketing can be applied to obtain social impact that improves the greater social good. Contributors will spend a few minutes setting out their area of focus and consider how critical social marketing can form the basis for innovation and evolution in social marketing practice, before responding to questions from the floor. We invite delegates to join a lively conversation. | |
13:00 to 14:00 | Lunch |
Lunch will be served for conference delegates. | |
14:00 to 15:30 | Afternoon Breakout Sessions |
ROOM - Grace D2.00 pm – 2.20 pm: Submission No. 47 - Pre-recorded Video Presentation Title: Building Business Case for Sustainability with Social Marketing: the French Tea Cooperative 1336 Case Study Authors: David Nahon and Hiam Serhan Murray, AgroParisTech-Université Paris Saclay This research poses the social mission and the social-cause brand of the French tea cooperative “1336” at the core of it social marketing practices, and aims to explore the role of its marketing efforts in building business case for sustainability grounded on its social mission. Track: Environment and Sustainability
2.25 pm – 2.45 pm: Submission No. 109 Title: Perceptions of Greek consumers about CSR: A Netnographic Research Authors: Natyra Xharavina, Management School, University of Sheffield, South East European Research Centre, SEERC, Thessaloniki, Greece. Caroline J Oates, Management School, University of Sheffield. Alexandros Kapoulas CITY College, University of York Europe Campus, Thessaloniki, Greece, South East European Research Centre, SEERC, Thessaloniki, Greece This study investigates the perceptions of consumers about Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and its activities in Greece. This was achieved by applying netnographic research in which a fashion online community and two fashion YouTube videos were analysed. The study shows that Greek consumers are aware of and interested in the CSR concept and activities applied by companies operating in Greece. Consumers support socially and environmentally friendly companies by recommending them to other consumers, and in their discussions, they heavily criticise and are unlikely to purchase from companies which do not employ CSR initiatives. Track: Environment and Sustainability
2.50 pm – 3.10 pm: Submission No. 94 Title: Screen for Life Authors: Pamela Woo, Jassie Ling, Health Promotion Board, Singapore Introduced in November 2014, the brand ‘Screen for Life’ was to create a customer-centric proposition to increase public awareness by bringing all the recommended health screening tests under one common brand. The enhancement of the health screening subsidy scheme in 2017 to ensure affordable health screening for all Singaporeans at $5 or less, was therefore folded under this umbrella to improve recall and strengthen the product offering. The focus of the communication work evolved since inception from simply creating awareness on screening and its related cost to addressing the underlying misconceptions and barriers that our audience holds towards health screening. This was further complemented with the introduction of a simple online tool in December 2019 (see Appendix, Fig 1) that enables the target audience to overcome their initial scepticism and inertia by giving personalised screening recommendations and cost of the subsidised screening check(s) to nudge them along their screening journey. Our campaign communications addressed:
Track: Health and wellbeing 3.15 pm – 3.35 pm: Submission No. 74 - Pre-recorded Video Presentation Title: Demarketing obsession: A holistic view of an Anti-Tobacco Social Media Campaign in Bangladesh Authors: Md. Nasir Uddin, Dane Svenson and Rebecca Perl, Vital Strategies Track: Health and wellbeing ROOM - Celeste2.00 pm – 2.20 pm: Submission No. 107 Title: Perception of COVID-19 vaccine among elderly in India- A Qualitative exploration using Grounded Study Methodology Authors: Sonal Arora and Mahim Sagar, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi Purpose – Owing to the risk of severe illness increasing with age among COVID patients, this study intends to conceptualize the acceptance of COVID-19 vaccine among elderly and people with comorbidities. Not understanding their perception, hesitancy and motivating factors might cost the vaccination campaign in terms of poor registration and low turnout. This brings forth severe consequences to the world not limiting to the loss of precious lives and strain on medical system spreading beyond age and other population characteristics. The findings of the study are anticipated to make novel contribution to the academic literature and help members of COVID taskforce in designing elements of marketing mix to “nudge” the target group for immunization. 2 Design/methodology/approach – Owing to exploratory nature of study, we adopted a qualitative enquiry using grounded theory methodology (Charmaz). 29 interviews were conducted among a heterogenous group of individuals using multistage sampling involving recruitments from the 3 health centres and snowballing. Triangulation with expert and target group validation of the framework were followed post development of the framework of decision-making process. Track: Health and wellbeing 2.25 pm – 2.45 pm: Submission No. 87 Title: Engaging Private Sector Providers to Offer Public Health Products and Services Adapting Social Marketing Approach Authors: Toslim Uddin, Vital Strategies Bangladesh has achieved remarkable success in different health indicators but still there are scope for further improvement. Considering the overall health situation of the country and fulfil the demand for quality health services, Social Marketing Company (SMC) has been implementing the Blue Star program, a network of community level non-graduate health providers who are trained on family planning, reproductive and child health, and nutrition with other public health priority areas to offer quality services including public health products and thereby improve the health status of the community people. Since its inception in 1998, the program is being implemented in close collaboration with the Directorate General of Family Planning (DGFP) of Bangladesh with financial assistance from USAID. Track: Health and wellbeing
2.50 pm – 3.10 pm: Submission No. 35 Title: Social networks monitoring as scientific evidence for risk perception and communication in Portugal during the COVID-19 outbreak Authors: Duarte Vital Brito, Gisela Leiras, Beatriz Raposo, Samuel Domingos, Miguel Telo de Arriaga and Rui Gaspar, Public Health Unit - ACES Lisboa Central COVID-19 outbreak affected millions of people around the world, raising numerous health literacy challenges. Depending on perceived demands and individual and social resources to cope with these, people may perceive the situation as a threat or a challenge. Such perception is relevant to communication activities, allowing a focus on empowering people to cope with perceived risks, reducing the level of threat appraisal. The goal of this research is to briefly describe threat appraisals as indicators of risk perception of COVID-19 in Portugal, through social media monitoring. Track: Health and Wellbeing
3.15 pm – 3.35 pm: TBC ROOM - Orion2.00 pm – 2.20 pm: Submission No. 90 Title: Health literacy, health equity and wellbeing in a digitalized world Authors: Silva Nemes, Nejc Berzelak, Sanja Vrbovsek, National Institute of Public Health, Slovenia Lack of access to digital health solutions and incorrect use of them is a vast health equity issue in a digitalized world and it is our "wicked" problem. In this session, we would like to explore different possibilities, approaches and solutions to tackle it by identifying most vulnerable groups in certain society and their barriers to access and use digital health solutions. In addition, we would like to identify key motivators to influence their behaviour change (to start using digital health solutions) by exploring some of the best social marketing practice examples and approaches to behaviour change. We used data of a national health literacy survey, conducted in Slovenia in 2020, to find out the level of health literacy of vulnerable groups, which significantly affects people’s ability to understand, use, appraise and apply health information in everyday life. We also prepared the "4P Intervention mix" to give us details on country setting, which is important in terms of framing the problem for theoretical discussion session. Track: Health and wellbeing
2.25 pm – 2.45 pm: Submission No. 77 Title: The influences of Instagram food related content on eating behaviour and the role of mindfulness and self-control in addressing those influences. Authors: Styliani Kanaki, University of York Online searching engines would offer more than 3 billion results for "how to take the best food photo for Instagram". However, little is known about the underlying effects of such photos. This research aims to explore the influence of Instagram food-related content on eating behaviours and how mindfulness interventions can improve one’s self-awareness and self-control over food. Track: Health and wellbeing
2.50 pm – 3.10 pm: Submission No. 92 Title: Engaging emerging adult gamers in healthy behaviours: a behavioural ecological map of influences Authors: David Micallef, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology Emerging adults (EAs), those aged 18 to 25, are a difficult group to engage in positive dietary behaviours. They are also the largest consumers of online games, eSports and game streaming but there is limited research on how these channels might be used to engage emerging adults in positive health behaviours. Through the review of 75 studies, we identified, defined and mapped 23 influences that intersect with EAs through their online game use. Our behavioural ecological map of EA gamers provides a guide for researchers, social marketers and health promotion agencies for future research and interventions to impact EA dietary behaviour. Track: Health and wellbeing 3.15 pm – 3.35 pm: Submission No. 63 - Pre-Recorded Video Presentation Title: The Effects of Covid-19 on Parental Burnout and Their Influence on Child Psychological Well-Being Authors: Abhishek Sharma, Bijo Kunnumpurath, Isra Sarfraz, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia With the advent of novel coronavirus (Covid-19), people worldwide have seen tremendous changes in their lifestyles. Forcing people to work from home has made parenting a stressful job to handle. Supplementary pressures on parenting are visible in the household with decreased wages and work-redundancies. These situations have led to burnout among parents and can have long-term psychological implications for children. Therefore, the purpose of this paper remains to provide a review of how parental burnout and stress impacts the child's psychological well-being within the pandemic. Centred on the discussions, this paper also addresses the key implications for future research. Track: Health and wellbeing ROOM - Theta2.00 pm – 2.20 pm: Submission No. 49 Title: From practice to identity: the role of communities in the construction of veg*n social identities Authors: Lucie Sirieix, Margot Dyen, Laurie Balbo, Gilles Sere De Lanauze and Erick Suarez Dominguez, MoISA, Institut Agro, France Becoming and remaining veg*n (a term used to capture both vegetarians and vegans) is a difficult process, in which the desire to adopt and affirm a veg*n identity is of great importance. Individuals may rely on communities for support and identity construction. The aim of this research is to understand the processes of identity construction of veg*ns through the use of community along the trajectories. This study is based on the method of narratives, with semi-structured interviews of 15 French vegetarians/vegans/strict vegans. An understanding and diachronic analysis of the narratives was carried out. The results highlighted (1) different types of communities (imagined and real virtual or physical) and reciprocal and non-reciprocal ties with these communities and (2) different effects over the course of the trajectories of the use of one or more communities: help when passing convictions into practice, acquisition of knowledge / skills, increased well-being, strengthening of convictions. Finally, a typology of trajectories of identity construction in relation with community use is proposed. This study helps to better understand how, in a social marketing perspective, working with communities can play out on how veg*ns can evolve in their practice (i.e. transition from vegetarian to vegan) but also how it can change the practices of others (promote veg*nism) depending on the communities they frequent at different times in their trajectory. Track: Food and the environment
2.25 pm – 2.45 pm: Submission No. 46 - Pre-recorded Video Presentation Title: Sustainably Ugly: Sustainable Packaging Effects on Food Perception Authors: Mia Birau, EMLyon Business School, Lifestyle Research Centre, France Climate change is a worrisome issue for today’s society and The Paris Agreement has a central goal in reducing the global temperature rises of this century. In doing so, countries, businesses and consumers need to gather efforts. One large issue when tackling environmental problems is product packaging. Therefore, many sustainable initiatives have raised to reduce the global impact of packaging and offer sustainable options to customers. However, a very important issue with sustainable package is its design and consumers’ acceptability. Therefore, our study explores the effects of plain packaging design on product perception. Three experiments show that consumers perceive the plain packaging to be more sustainable and the food in plain packaging to be healthier. Therefore, our results provide promising indications for public policy and businesses regarding the adoption of plain packaging in food industry Track: Planetary health: Environment and sustainability 2.50 pm – 3.10 pm: Submission No. 89 Title: Sustainable Practices in the Textile and Clothing Industry: an Analysis of the Sustainability Reports Authors: Raquel Rodrigues da Rocha, Arminda Maria Finisterra do Paço, University da Beira Interior This study aimed to identify the sustainability practices adopted by the textile industry, taking into account the three pillars of sustainable development: economic, environmental and social. Through a qualitative approach, this study was based on John Elkington's Triple Bottom Line model (1994) to answer the proposed objective. Thus, a documentary analysis was conducted of the sustainability reports of Brazilian companies in the textile sector for the year 2020, which had the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards for publication. The results show that environmental and social sustainability practices are the most implemented by companies, while economic practices were very little explored. Despite this, a special focus was given to suppliers, mainly regarding the social dimension of sustainability, which illustrates well the industry's commitment to these stakeholders. Track: Planetary health: Environment and sustainability | |
15:30 to 16:00 | Coffee & Networking |
Coffee will be served for conference delegates. | |
16:00 to 17:00 |
FInal Plenary: Best Paper Awards & Panel Session Speakers: Prof Jeff French, Leonidas Skerletopoulos, Angela Makris, Fiona Spotswood |
Session Panel: Jeff French, Fiona Spotswood, Leo Skerletopoulos, Angela Makris Join us for the closing plenary of the 5th European Social Marketing Conference. Our panel will host a fun and interactive feedback and reflections session where the audience will be encouraged to participate, give their views and add to our virtual padlet board. The session will be preceded by the presentation of the best paper awards at the conference. |